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How to Get Rid of Hives on Toddler

How long do hives last?!? My poor baby is broken out EVERYWHERE and it seems Benadryl isn't working. Is there anything else I can give him or do to get rid of these? Oatmeal bath doesn't seem to help either! 😩

r/beyondthebump - How long do hives last?!? My poor baby is broken out EVERYWHERE and it seems Benadryl isn't working. Is there anything else I can give him or do to get rid of these? Oatmeal bath doesn't seem to help either! 😩

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level 1

My doctor had us give my toddler Zyrtec. I would take kiddo to the Ped to see if that is something you can give or they might recommend something else. Poor kiddo

level 1

Just from personal experience, you need to get the hives under control before you test for a food allergy because otherwise any prick test is going to set him off.

I think my doctor put me on an antihistamine. Like Claritin or something similar. Maybe there is something baby safe they can put him on.

level 1

My LO gets hives, hes got them basically all the time and has had for about 2 months.. some days its better than others but they never completely go away. Doctors have no answers, they said it could be viral but surely that wouldnt last so long.. have been on an elimination diet incase something in my milk is bothering him, no change.. its weird! I think some babies must just be prone to it for some reason

level 2

I've also heard that too, someone on Facebook said that their LO broke out in hives all the time and had no allergies after being tested. I can imagine how frustrating it is, and it's so unsightly.

level 1

This sounds silly but do you have any breast milk to put on it or do a milk bath? Idk if it would help but I don't think it would hurt.

level 2

I have tons in my freezer, I could try a milk bath! I've never done it before and always thought about trying it sometime, this might be a good reason to try!

level 1

My son got something similar (we think tomatoes but haven't tested that theory). It took about 2 weeks to go away fully but I could still feel bumps on him even after the red was gone. It didn't bother him so ped said not to treat it.

level 2

My son has little bumps everywhere too besides the bulls eye looking splotches. I feel like he's had it a while so hopefully we are at the end of whatever this is!

level 1

Try calamine lotion on areas that can't be put in mouth.

level 2

I was wondering about using that. It's safe to use on an 8mo?

level 1

My son had something similar on his face, under the chin, and under the arms. We thought it was hives as well due to food allergy, but after bringing him to see his pediatrician, she said that because of what the spots looked like (paler on the inside with a darker border), it was viral. Went away after a week or so. She said he could have gotten it anywhere, even from us. Our bodies would fight it off, but his immune system just isn't strong enough yet.

level 2

Interesting! Did they give your son anything for it? My son's seems to get better in some areas and then flare up in other places. Is that how it was with your LO?

level 1

Poor thing! LO had the same thing and I after we ruled out food allergy, we could just guesstimate that it was from some kind of infection/illness - I had a virus earlier and think he might've got a mild form and his body reacted to it? I think they went away about a week or so.

level 2

The weird thing is most of the time he doesn't seem bothered by it at all and acts completely normal. I've wondered about illness as well but nothing about how he acts makes me feel like he's sick and he doesn't have a fever. But just looking at his skin makes me itch and I feel so bad for him!

level 1

Your pediatrician can prescribe him a stronger steroid.

level 2

Taking him in tomorrow so hopefully we can get something that helps him! And find out more on why this is happening!

level 1

Do you know what they are from? Are they bothering him? Sometimes hives just take time to go away. Ugh.

level 2

No idea, random foods that he's eaten before are setting them off. We are gonna get him allergy tested though to rule anything out. We've been battling them for a couple weeks now and I feel so bad for him!

How to Get Rid of Hives on Toddler
